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We endeavour to teach History and historical enquiry within a broad and balanced curriculum. Pupils leave school with a secure understanding of chronology; both in Britain and the wider world. Through carefully planned, progressive lessons, pupils are taught about the significance of different historical periods, key historical figures and how History has influenced their lives today. Our intention is that children learn both about History and from History adopting a curiosity and awareness of how History has been interpreted by different people at different times. Through the study of historical evidence and through exploring their local area, pupils will develop a deep understanding of the rich History of their locality. Perhaps more poignantly, pupils will leave our school aware of today's challenges and how they will be viewed historically in later years.

History enables children to develop a context for their growing sense of identity and a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people. What they learn through history can influence their decisions about personal choices, attitudes and values. Our intent, when teaching history, is to stimulate the children's curiosity in order for them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding.


History is taught through clear sequential learning mapped out from Early Years to Y6. Learning is organised starting from children's own personal history first, and works backwards enabling children to develop a coherent knowledge and understanding of the past. Key concepts, knowledge and skills are introduced along with subject specific vocabulary to ensure our children become proficient historians. The curriculum is planned and sequenced so that existing knowledge is built on, and enhanced through carefully chosen visits, experiences and visitors.

The history long term plan sets out the key knowledge to be taught across the school and determines the teaching sequence. Short term planning details individual lesson content, pedagogy, resources, outcomes and key historical periods studied. Teachers ensure that their planning guides the acquisition and retention of new learning through a range of strategies rooted in cognitive science such as the use of regular retrieval practice. Lessons are delivered weekly by class teachers.


The impact of our History curriculum is to provide every child with the opportunity to be a historian. As a result of the overall curriculum design, including mapping of key concepts, knowledge, skills and end points as well as through the enhancement of the curriculum with specially selected visitors and local visits, pupils make outstanding progress over time across the key stages, relative to their individual starting point. Children are expected to leave our school reaching at least age-related expectations for History.

The impact of the History curriculum is evidenced in a range of ways, including pupil voice, lesson visits, LUNAR books and termly assessment analysis.


Our curriculum is focused around the following key concepts of History:



Long Term Plan