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Directors Impact Statement 2022-23

Pupil Outcomes

Challenge and support from Directors and the way they hold leaders to account has supported the drive for high standards across the trust. Notable improvements are continued high attainment of phonics, attainment and progress at the end of KS2 at SMST. Significantly improved GLD at BPI. Rigorous Curriculum & Standards committee meetings hold leaders to account and expose any areas for development swiftly.

External Validation

I The Trusts annual reviews and work of the CEO alongside the HT ensure that Directors have accurate and timely information to hold schools to account and ensure focus is on the correct priorities, this is linked immediately to the work of the Education Central team to ensure rapid school improvement.

Financial planning and management

Directors focus on sound financial planning has ensured school budgets remain healthy with carry forward funds. This has ensured schools have been able to execute plans leading to impact on pupil outcomes.


Directors have kept the focus on growth of the Trust and this has led to a further school joining us on 1st September 2024; Willow Tree and a 6th school is awaiting approval from the RD. This growth has meant TTSAT has doubled in size over a 2 year period and the successful application for TCAF has enabled the internal capacity of the central team to also grow.

Professional development and support strategy

The Director of Safeguarding and Attendance, Maths, English and EYFS forms a strong core team for SI and adds real capacity to our schools. They have supported teachers to develop the teaching and delivery of these subject and aspect areas and improved pupil outcomes this can be seen in end of KS2 data over 2 years at SMST & phonics across the Trust. The use of our CPD arm; NWLP ensures the most up to date training and development is available for all staff. The focus on Attendance has ensured all 3 established schools have bucked the national trend and seen improvements in attendance with absence and PA % below national figures

Succession planning and talent management

Directors have focused on this strategy which has enabled recruitment linked to skills.Talent spotting within the Trust is strong and �home grown� talent has been given opportunities within the trust to develop. Directors also recognise when to look outside the Trust to find fresh appointments for example Director of EYFS and Finance Manager.


The board of Directors has been strengthened with 2 new appointments which ensure we have a breadth of expertise across the Board. The strategy to have a director as the Chair of the SC of vulnerable schools has paid off with SMWST achieving a �good� Ofsted in 2023.


Scheme of Delegation

Articles of Association

Declaration of Interest

Attendance at Meetings